Function expect

  • The expect function is used every time you want to test a value. You will rarely call expect by itself.

    Type Parameters

    • T = any


    • actual: T

      The value to apply matchers against.

    Returns JestMatchers<T>


not: InverseAsymmetricMatchers


  • Adds a module to format application-specific data structures for serialization.


    • serializer: Plugin_2

    Returns void

  • Matches anything that was created with the given constructor. You can use it inside toEqual or toBeCalledWith instead of a literal value.


    • classType: any

    Returns any

    function randocall(fn) {
    return fn(Math.floor(Math.random() * 6 + 1));

    test('randocall calls its callback with a number', () => {
    const mock = jest.fn();
  • Matches anything but null or undefined. You can use it inside toEqual or toBeCalledWith instead of a literal value. For example, if you want to check that a mock function is called with a non-null argument:

    Returns any

    test('map calls its argument with a non-null argument', () => {
    const mock = jest.fn();
    [1].map(x => mock(x));
  • Matches any array made up entirely of elements in the provided array. You can use it inside toEqual or toBeCalledWith instead of a literal value.

    Optionally, you can provide a type for the elements via a generic.

    Type Parameters

    • E = any


    • arr: E[]

    Returns any

  • Verifies that a certain number of assertions are called during a test. This is often useful when testing asynchronous code, in order to make sure that assertions in a callback actually got called.


    • num: number

    Returns void

  • Useful when comparing floating point numbers in object properties or array item. If you need to compare a number, use .toBeCloseTo instead.

    The optional numDigits argument limits the number of digits to check after the decimal point. For the default value 2, the test criterion is Math.abs(expected - received) < 0.005 (that is, 10 ** -2 / 2).


    • num: number
    • OptionalnumDigits: number

    Returns any

  • You can use expect.extend to add your own matchers to Jest.


    • obj: ExpectExtendMap

    Returns void

  • Returns MatcherState & Record<string, any>

  • Verifies that at least one assertion is called during a test. This is often useful when testing asynchronous code, in order to make sure that assertions in a callback actually got called.

    Returns void

  • Matches any object that recursively matches the provided keys. This is often handy in conjunction with other asymmetric matchers.

    Optionally, you can provide a type for the object via a generic. This ensures that the object contains the desired structure.

    Type Parameters

    • E = {}


    • obj: E

    Returns any

  • Parameters

    • state: object

    Returns void

  • Matches any received string that contains the exact expected string


    • str: string

    Returns any

  • Matches any string that contains the exact provided string


    • str: string | RegExp

    Returns any